
一直以来,喷墨创新是赛尔技术和产品不断更迭的核心。于2022年11月推出的Xaar Aquinox由我们的ImagineX创想平台提供支持,为水性油墨的广泛应用打开了新的喷墨商机。通过我们全新aQ Power技术的赋能,打印机器能可靠、创新、可持续地喷射染料型和颜料型水基流体,从而全面实现水性数字喷墨打印。

Xaar Aquinox在整个生产过程中为纺织品印刷商提供了革新性的优势:可靠性、可持续性、经济性和一系列新的扩展应用都是这个真正改变游戏规则的产品的优势所在。根据Grand View Research的预计,到2026年,数字印刷在纺织品市场的使用将从纺织品印刷市场的6%增长到10%。而现在就是这个革新水性打印市场的最佳时机。


Xaar Aquinox能 ...

With Xaar’s unique TF Technology, whatever the job, you know you’ll get the best performance from your printheads. But sometimes, in exceptional situations, external factors and challenging applications (such as printing ceramic tiles) can create abnormally harsh operational environments for inkjet printing.  This is where Sure Flow, our new ultrasonic self-cleaning printhea ...

More and more industries are looking to maximise the potential of inkjet and take advantage of this extremely versatile, non-contact technology to either replace traditional production methods or deliver new applications.

Yet while enabling a multitude of new uses, as a technology, inkjet can seem daunting to the uninitiated.

Whether you’re updating an existing ...

Instant start up. It’s easily said and claimed, and yet for many items in our lives do they really deliver on this promise?

Instant start up. It’s easily said and claimed, and yet for many items in our lives do they really deliver on this promise?

So, you’ve found a simple-to-install, ready-to-go Xaar printhead. But what use is a fast start if you can’t stay the course?

Cersaie, which takes place in Bologna each September, is the place where anyone connected to selling ceramic tiles goes to see the latest tile design trends – what will be hot for the coming year? 

The number one talking point at Ceramics China 2016 has been "Polished Tiles".  These are hard wearing, high gloss tiles that are used in commercial heavy "traffic" locations such as shopping malls and public buildings. There is a healthy market for these tiles in China and India.

Having never considered IP as a career option before, my eight weeks at Xaar may have completely changed my future career path leading into the final year of my degree. I’ve really enjoyed being able to work in engineering while having the added diversity of the legal elements as well.